Database Management Systems (DBS)

Content in detail

DBS 1: Architecture models of database systems I

Authors: Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vossen, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster; Prof. Dr. Kurt-Ulrich Witt, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, St. Augustin

Basic concepts for the architecture of database systems: Starting Points for the Development of Database Systems; The 3-Level Architecture Concept for Databases
Structure and mode of operation of database management systems: Processing of an inquiry; layer model for database management systems; DBMS internal interfaces; components of a DBMS
Physical architecture concepts for database systems: Centralized database systems; Distributed database systems
Server architectures for database systems: client/server concept; request server concept; side server concept

DBS 2: Basics of the relational data model

Revised by: Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vossen, Westphalian Wilhelms University, Münster

Fundamentals of the relational model: structure; operations
Relations: Formal Interpretation; Relationship Concept; Relationships to Describe Information; Structure of Relationships; Equivalent Relationships; The Alternative
Relational algebra: set-theoretical operations; selection; projection; compound (join); division; relational expressions; relational operations in the language SQL
Relational Calculations: Tuple Calculus; Domain Calculus
Functional dependencies: Definition; Key; Structural laws for functional dependencies; Lossless decomposition; On the structural concept of relations

DBS 3: Relational and object-relational SQL

Authors: Prof. Dr. Uwe Hartmann, University of Applied Sciences Stralsund; Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vossen, Westphalian Wilhelms University, Münster; Prof. Dr. Kurt-Ulrich Witt, University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, St. Augustin

Data definition in SQL: table declaration; sample application book publisher; changing relational structures; access protection
Data Manipulation in SQL: INSERT Statement; DELETE Statement; UPDATE Statement
SQL queries: The SELECT basic format; Projection for renaming; Selection; Aggregation; Set operations; Products and join queries; Subqueries; Recursive queries; View definition
Object-relational concepts in SQL:1999 and SQL:2003: Basic object-oriented concepts; object-relational databases and SQL

DBS 4: Database design and quality assurance

Author: Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vossen, Westphalian Wilhelms University, Münster

Starting points for a quality database design: Database design tasks; Basic quality criteria for database design; Principles of orderly modelling
The database lifecycle: Organisational environment of databases; Information system lifecycle; Database application lifecycle
The design phases at a glance: Design process; data and functional requirements
concepts of data modeling: abstraction concepts; entity relationship model
Conceptual design: possible procedures; quality characteristics; selection of the target system
Logical Design: Preparations; Transformation Rules
Implementation draft: normal forms for relational schemata; views and access rights
Physical Design: Objectives; Example: DB2 Storage Organization
Database schema declaration: Declaration of tables with SQL; views and access rights

DBS 5: Data integration and analysis

Author: Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vossen, Westphalian Wilhelms University, Münster

Data Integration: Virtual Systems; Materialized Systems
Data warehouses: building a data warehouse; data warehouse maintenance
Basics of Online Analytical Processing (OLAP): Multidimensional data and cube view; Schema forms for OLAP, data warehouse design and quality assurance; The OLAP operators of SQL:1999; Efficient storage of fact tables
Data Mining: goals, motivations and applications of data mining; classifications; clustering; association rules; calculation of association rules; analysis of event sequences; language constructs for data mining

DBS 6: Database system technology

Author: Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vossen, Westphalian Wilhelms University, Münster

Integrity assurance via assertions and triggers: assertions and their application; triggers
Organization of data storage: disk storage, blocks and block accesses; file indexing; B-tree and B*-tree index structures; hash organization forms
Processing, in particular optimization of queries: Overview of query processing; query optimization; implementation techniques for the network
Transaction Processing: The Concept of Read-Write Transactions; Classic Synchronization Problems. The ACID principle; Correctness concepts for schedules; The 2-phase lock protocol; Concurrency control above the page level; Basics of recovery.

DBS 7: XML and Databases

Author: Prof. Dr. Petra Sauer, Beuth University of Applied Sciences, Berlin

Introduction to XML: HTML and XML; Basic structural concepts of XML and their use; Namespaces
XML grammars: Valid XML Documents; Overview of Document Type Definitions; XML Schema Description Language (XSD)
Link and query languages of XML: Link language XLink; locator language XPath; query language XQuery
stylesheets and XML transformations: XSLT; XSL-FO
XML and databases: storage of XML documents; XML support in relational/object relational DBMS using Oracle as an example; XML support in native XML DBMS using Tamino XML Server as an example

DBS 8: Architecture models of database systems II

Author: Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vossen, Westphalian Wilhelms University, Münster

Introduction to distributed database systems: Central Database Systems; Distributed Database Systems
Homogeneous distribution: transparency aspects; requirements for homogeneous distributed database systems; schema design, query processing; synchronization of transactions; detection of jams; error handling
Heterogeneous distribution: motivation and goals; schema levels in multi-database systems; basic problems of transaction processing
Parallel database systems: architectural forms; parallelism levels
Database connections to the Internet: Application Programming
Use of SQL in application programs; Technical internet concepts; Database connections in web applications with PHP; Databases and Java; Semistructured data and XML

DBS 9: Presence Internship

In the classroom internship you will work with the Oracle database system.

Data modeling: Data modeling with the ER model; development of relations from the ER model; normalization; network and hierarchical models.
Implementation with SQL: Definition of tables and indexes; integrity conditions; views; authorizations
Query and manipulation of data with SQL: queries to the Data Dictionary; queries to the application database
Scripts in Oracle SQL*Plus: Application Programming
Object relational databases